Nisha skutibatai to worry so ill for the police trap - See more at: READ MORE NEWS

10:03 PM

KATHMANDU, May 4. Last 2 9 April afternoon, a young woman found herself in Maharajung Bhatbhateni suparamarketanajikai buddhiraja Limbu fancy shop.

After watching a few paintaharu Limbu he said, 'My brother, you are the exact same size as is, how to fit what would be, once wearing a tri garidinus play games. "After urging customers to find dealers Limbu pants" and entered the locker rumabhitra. The new magazine is published by Marca newspaper.

The new girl was not going out wearing pants. Shoplifting yuvatisamgai her drawer was 32 thousand rupees also disappeared. Buy many clothes that came down the beautiful young thug was neat. He came with a complaint near the Metropolitan Police Circle Maharajgunj. Police also were surprised to hear the complaint.

Nisha Thapa

The next day again was another sphere strange complaint Maharajgunj. Maharajung British kalejanajikai fancy goods store, a young 13 thousand 5 hundred people had fled by the thousands to buy a fancy style, the shop owner said Sangeeta Casey sancalika complaint against the police authorities was old.

A woman bought various kinds of textiles and 13 thousand five hundred is giving some of the money that was counted when the scooter he fled his complaint. Not enough money was being told to huimkieki woman with luggage.

However, KC Ba 6 9pa 7170, she was able to pick up a scooter number. The same research as the basis of a scooter, police arrested the girl.

As the investigation based on the complaint, police mandikhatara Nisha Thapa who has opened a store film-style extortion and terror upsetting.

He nabbed Saturday by the Metropolitan Police Circle, Maharajgunj Pokhrel said DSP. 'Exactly the film the way he appeared to fraud, "Pokharel said," he continued after a successful place in the name of fraud and theft in shops, shopping with her.'

Tomoko 18 stores, including fresh Baluwatar full relieved fraud, police said. He was relieved to shop for Rs 11 thousand, five hundred to put the scooter in different pack repay the money by saying that awaited her and went out.

Tomoko fraud could also store other, police said. His home textiles and other goods stolen has been recovered, DSP Pokharel said. Earlier, she was employed at a myanapavara Nisha. On Sunday, the court extended her theft case had been forwarded to DSP Pokharel said that action.

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