10:55 PM

Here we have an IKF Champion/former US Navy Seal going against Yi Long, a San Shou fighter/Shaolin Kung Fu Monk.

The former Navy Seal in this bout is using his Muay Thai combos to wear down Yi Long, but the monk is doing an excellent job of catching the legs to toss him on the floor. Yi Long is doing an excellent job here closing the distance when necessary to negate the Seal’s leg kicks. We even get to witness the Monk taunting the Navy Seal (Buddah would not approve of this).

Eventually the Monk finds his range for his 1-2 combos and clocks the former Seal for a knockout.

Here’s the interesting part, apparently Yi Long is a fake Shaolin Monk….

Surely the golden silk pants must make him a holy Shaolin Kung Fu Monk right? Well rumor has it that Yi Long is being sensationalized as a Shaolin Monk for promotional reasons by the Chinese.

Yi Long has actually been denied by the Shaolin Monk’s themselves that he isn’t one them. The denial came about after his 1st round knockout loss to a Las Vegas Swat Member and a former US Marine. Here‘s what the Shaolin Monk Society had to say.

So what do you think? Are those crafty Chinese promoters exploiting a really talented kickboxer they found and labeling him a Shaolin Monk? I mean all he needs is a bald shiny head with some gold silk pants right?

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