9:00 PM

Urlabari, MAY 4. Blood Cancer Morang after his wife Tej Raj Ghat-1 for the treatment Dhimal have yacana support. Two months ago, the Bharatpur Cancer Hospital, 22-year-old wife, Rabina Dhimal taken to the hospital after blood cancer, reports the Dhimal are soliciting support.

Despite the decision of the Economic lured by Rnapana more than 5 million of the money already spent, and now the lack of treatment, said tejabahadurale trouble.
Doctors treating the 22-year-old Rabina Delhi are given information. Rabinale heal their lives urging informed of his son and 8 months.

"My son is 8 months. I recovered my son to make a great man is a dream. 'Rabinale bhanan tears tears everywhere, "bacaidinuhos me. We have no money to treat. "

Lack of economic life and death of Rabina said fundraising for treatment as local residents are trying to activate. Today, villagers gathering under the coordination of the local Sunil Sautha 'Rabina save the chapter' campaign has been formed. Chairman of the meeting, the blocked Hospital Pvt same lolima Pomu and support for the initiative and told journalists Dhimal victory.

Rabina Rabina collaborators want to support her husband and Coordinator Sunil Tej 9 817332633 182632884 9 to be able to contact

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