नेकपा एमालेका तत्कालीन महासचिव कमरेड मदन भण्डारीको रहस्यमय जिप दुर्घटना (?) को हत्याको खुलासा हुन थालेको छ। २०५० साल जेठ ३ गते दासढुङ्गामा जिप दुर्घटना गराएर भण्डारी र जीवराज 
आश्रितको हत्या भएको थियो। जिप दुर्घटना गराउन संलग्न चालक अमर लामाको माओवादी जनयुद्धकालमा माओवादीद्वारा कीर्तिपुरमा गोली हानी हत्या गरिएपछि यो घटना झन् रहस्यमय र चासोको विषय बनेको छ। कमरेड मदन भण्डारीको हत्या भारतीय गुप्तचर संस्था 'रअ' र सीआईएको संयुक्त अप्रेसन युनिटले गरेको कुरा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अपराध रिसर्च सेन्टर (आईसीआरसी) मार्फत 'मिसन फायर' काठमाडौं नक्सालस्थित आन्तरिक गुप्तचर एजेन्सीका मिनिष्टर स्टेशन प्रमुख समिर मुखियाले 'मिसन फायर' को रिपोर्टमा उल्लेख भएको हवाला दिंदै बताएका छन्।
मदन भण्डारीको हत्या दक्षिण एसियामा सशक्त कम्युनिष्ट नेतामात्र नभई चीन टुक्र्याउन खोज्ने अमेरिकी शक्तिको बाधक र राष्ट्रवादी नेता भएकाले गरिएको खुलासा भएको छ। पछिल्लो समय राष्ट्रियताका सवालमा स्व. राजा वीरेन्द्र र मदन भण्डारी एक भएकाले भारतलाई टाउको दुःखाइ बन्दै गएको थियो। जनताको बहुदलीय जनवादका संस्थापक नेता भडारीका कारण भारत र अमेरिकाले सोचेजस्तो नेपालमा हस्तक्षेप बढाउन सकेका थिएनन्। भण्डारी र राजा वीरेन्द्रलाई बाटोबाट हटाउन सके नेपालमा आफ्नो स्वार्थपूर्तिको बाटो खुला हुने सोचमा मदन भण्डारी र राजा वीरेन्द्रको आठ वर्षको फरकमा हत्या गरिएको छ। भण्डारीको हत्या २०५० जेठ ३ मा भएको छ भने राजा वीरेन्द्रको २०५८ जेठ १९ मा गरिएको छ। राजा वीरेन्द्रको हत्यामा छोरा दीपेन्द्रलाई प्रयोग गरिएको छ भने मदन भण्डारीको हत्यामा चालक अमर लामाको प्रयोग गरिएको छ। 

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अपराध रिसर्च सेन्टरको उल्लेखित प्रतिवेदनअनुसार अमर लामालाई माओवादी जनयुद्ध सुरु हुनु दुई वर्षपहिले नेकपा माओवादीको संयुक्त जनमोर्चा नेपालमा योजनाबद्ध ढङ्गले प्रवेश गराई हत्यामा प्रयोग गरिएको थियो। लामालाई माओवादीले मदन भण्डारीको सबैभन्दा निकट र आन्तरिक भेद थाहा पाउन सक्ने व्यक्तिको रूपमा प्रचण्डमार्फत प्रयोग गरेको उल्लेख गरिएको छ। मदन भण्डारीलाई किनारा नलगाई माओवादी स्थापित हुन नसक्ने विश्लेषणका आधारमा 'सीआईए' र 'रअ' ले प्रचण्डमार्फत् यो प्रयोग गरिएको रिपोर्टमा उल्लेख छ। 

अमर लामालाई माओवादी नेतृत्वले दिएको प्रलोभन मुताबिक माओवादी जनयुद्धकालमा कुनै जिम्मेवारी नदिएपछि अमर लामा मदन भण्डारीको हत्याको रहस्य खोलिदिने भन्दै माओवादी संस्थापन पक्षलाई 'ब्लाकमेलिङ' गर्न थालेपछि उनको हत्या गरिएको हो भनी रिपोर्टमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ। स्मरणीय कुरा के छ भने नेपालको माओवादी जनयुद्ध भारतीय गुप्तचर संस्था 'रअ' को योजनामा भएको कुरा अबका दिनमा घामजत्तिकै छर्लङ्ग छ। प्रचण्ड युरोपियन युनियनमार्फत सीआईएका लागि र बाबुराम भट्टराई 'रअ' का लागि कार्यरत छन् भन्ने कुरा उनीहरूको विदेशी गुप्तचर संस्थाहरूसँगको संस्थागत सम्बन्धले पनि स्पष्ट पार्दछ।

 मननयोग्य कुरा के छ भने अमर लामाको मुद्धा मानव अधिकार सङ्गठनको नाममा ऋषिकेश शाहले हेरेका थिए। ऋषिकेश शाह स्वयं सीआईएका लागि काम गर्दै आएका व्यक्तित्व हुन्। माओवादी जनयुद्धताका माओवादीसँग सम्पर्कको माध्यम मानव अधिकारवादी संस्थाहरू नै बढी उपयोगमा थिए। आज पनि मानव अधिकारवादी संस्थाका नाममा थुप्रै सङ्गठनहरू सीआईएका लागि नेपालमा कार्यरत छन्। ऋषिकेश शाहको प्रचण्ड र बाबुराम भट्टराईसँग निकट सम्बन्ध थियो। कमरेड मदन भण्डारीले २०४८ सालताका राजा पनि एउटा शक्ति हुन् भन्ने खुलासा गर्दै राष्ट्रियताका सवालमा राजा वीरेन्द्रसँग निकट हुन थालेपछि उनीमाथि विदेशी गुप्तचर संस्थाहरूको वक्रदृष्टि परेको थियो।

    भण्डारीको हत्यापछि राजा वीरेन्द्र निकै शोकाकुल र स्तब्ध भएका थिए। राजा वीरेन्द्रले भण्डारीको कथित जिप दुर्घटना सम्बन्धमा संवेदना प्रकट गर्नुका साथै मनमोहन अधिकारीसँग भण्डारीको मृत्युप्रति जिज्ञासा राख्दै 'यो घटना रहस्यपूर्ण छ भन्दै आफ्नै परिवारको सदस्य गुमाएको अनुभूति भइरहेको' बताउनुले पनि राजा वीरेन्द्र र मदन भण्डारीबीचको आन्तरिक सम्बन्ध मजबुत बन्दै गएको र राजा वीरेन्द्र मदन भण्डारीसँग मिलेर मुलुकमा कुनै ठूलै परिवर्तनको तयारीमा थिए भन्ने तथ्यहरू पनि सार्वजनिक भएको छ। राजा वीरेन्द्र र भण्डारीको निकटतालाई भारत र अमेरिकाले रुचाएको थिएन। राजा वीरेन्द्रको हत्या भारतीय गुप्तचर संस्था 'रअ' र 'सीआईए' को 'ज्वाइन्ट अप्रेशन' मा २०५८ साल जेठ १९ गते भएको कुरा धेरै तथ्याङ्कहरूबाट प्रमाणित भइसकेको छ। चिनियाँ गुप्तचर एजेन्सी 'गुयानाउ' र नेपाल विशेषज्ञ प्रोफेसर व्हाङ्गले राजा वीरेन्द्रको हत्या राजनीतिक षड्यन्त्र भएको खुलासा गरेका छन्। 

राजा वीरेन्द्रको हत्या राजिव गान्धी हत्या प्रकरणमा राजपरिवारलाई जोडेर जैन आयोगको रिपोर्टका आधारमा बदलाको भावले 'रअ' ले 'सीआईए' सँगको मिलेमतोमा गरेको थियो। यसका अलावा राजा वीरेन्द्रले लिएको राष्ट्रियताको अडान, चीनसँग लिएको सैन्य सामग्री, नागरिकता, शान्ति क्षेत्र नेपालको प्रस्ताव, जलस्रोतलगायत महत्त्वपूर्ण विषयलाई ध्यान राख्दै चीनलाई दक्षिण एसियामा शक्तिशाली बन्न नदिन चीन टुक्रयाउने रणनीतिअनुरूप भारतीय र अमेरिकी स्वार्थ मिलेको हुनाले यो हत्या गराइएको थियो।

 यसमा सबैभन्दा अगाडि मदन भण्डारी अवरोध बन्न सक्छन् भन्ने विश्लेषणका आधारमा एमाले कमजोर स्रोत अखबार नेपाल बनाउन भण्डारीको हत्या ०५० सालमा गराइयो भने ठीक त्यसको दुई वर्षपछि अर्थात् २०५२ सालबाट माओवादी जनयुद्धको विजारोपण गरियो। माओवादी जनयुद्ध उत्कर्षमा पुगेपछि राजा वीरेन्द्र र माओवादीभित्रको राष्ट्रवादी शक्ति एक ठाउँमा उभिनै लाग्दा राजा वीरेन्द्रको वंश विनाश गराइयो। पछिल्लो चरणमा आएर माओवादी स्पष्ट रूपमा विभाजित गराइयो।
– खबर नेपाल डटकम

Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns In The World WATCH VIDEO

Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening. Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage.
People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens.


Housefull 3 Official Trailer with Subtitle

Every day, some young boy or girls in some small town in India hops on a bus or train with dreams in their eyes and a song in their heart, hoping it make it big in the world of films. Many falls by the wayside but some go on to become big names in an industry which is the largest in the world.

The Indian film industry is built on the dreams of millions of such people. The country produces more than 1000 films every year in over 20 languages. A feat which even Hollywood cannot match!

The major film studios are found in Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Other cities too produce many films in regional languages like Malayalam, Kannada, Bhojpuri, etc. When we talk of national appeal, it is Bollywood, or the Hindi film industry, which rules the roost. Actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, etc. have a pan Indian appeal and their films do well in almost all regions.In 1896, the Lumiere brothers’ Cinematographer displayed six silent short films in Bombay. Thus began India’s tryst with motion pictures. Three years later, Harischandra Sakharam Bhatvadekar became the first Indian to exhibit a short film on a wrestling match at Hanging Gardens, Bombay. He also exhibited another about playful monkeys.

In 1913, ‘King Harischandra’, a silent movie by Dadasaheb Phalke, was released. The first film with sound or ‘talkie’ was Ardeshir Irani’s ‘Alam Ara’. It was released in 1931. The forties was a golden era with many good films like Mehboob’s ‘Roti’, Shanthram’s ‘Dr. Kotnis ki Amar Kahani’, Chetan Anand’s ‘Neecha Nagar’ and Raj Kapoor’s ‘Barsaat’ and ‘Aag’ finding their way to theatres.

The first International Film Festival of India was held in 1952 in Bombay. Six years later, Satyajit Ray’s ‘Pather Panchali’ made history by winning the prestigious Cannes award. Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak and Mrinal Sen laid the foundations for new cinema in India. Ray became the only Indian to get the coveted Oscar Lifetime Achievement award in 1997.

The first color film was ‘Kisan Kanya’ (1937). Among developing countries, India boasts some of the best filmmaking technologies. Major studios in the US now outsource their animation work to Indian companies. Ramoji Rao’s Film City in Hyderabad is a sight to see. Here, any kind of locale can be recreated.

The Indian film industry has a turnover of thousands of crores and employs millions of People. It was after the late 1990s that the industry was recognized as such. India has a National Film Development Corporation. It finances certain films which don’t require huge budgets. Financing of films by the underworld in the 90s led to many problems. Now there is a trend to corporatize film production with big business houses entering the fray.

Indian films are becoming popular among western audiences too. This has added to India’s soft power. The film, ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, which has an Indian cast, swept the Oscars this year, generating much interest in Indian actors and technicians. The Indian film industry has rewritten the destinies of many people and will continue to do so in the future.


Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies
Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s. Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies.
Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies
Today, companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.
Term Policies
Term life insurance is guaranteed. The premium is set at issue and clearly stated right in the policy. An annual renewable term policy has a premium that goes up every year. A level term policy has an initially higher premium that does not change for a set period, usually 10, 20 or 30 years, and then becomes annual renewable term with a premium based on your attained age.

baby named after plain READ MORE NEWS

Agency. Belaki called a baby pregnant woman is barred from entering the aircraft. Despite rokaka Singapore for Myanmar aboard 'Jetstar Airlines lera you called in a woman in childbirth, she has been successful.
Lera tule ship within 3 doctors a rapid international communications organizations mentioned in childbirth have been successful. The observer aircraft passengers were welcomed by applause.
Jetstar, Jetstar plane in the name of the child born to an unwed mother newsForumsWiki Latest Named her.

Is This The Most Dangerous School Run In The World? WATCH VIDEO

advanced education. These understandings are typically intended for the shared trade of understudies, specialists and educators. On the other hand, there are national projects that offer grants and different sorts of subsidizing for worldwide understudies wishing to think about in Norway. Certain limitations and requirements apply for every one of these projects. What's more, there are different stipends accessible offered by private and non-benefit associations. Norway is turning into a famous study destination among worldwide understudies. An expanding number of Norwegian colleges and college schools are putting forth Bachelor's and Masters programs in English. It is one of only a handful few remaining nations on the planet where educational cost expense is free for everybody including universal understudies. The Norwegian Government likewise offers grant projects to take care of living expenses in Norway


April 30, 2016 :

Raging forest fires have become a major cause for concern, as they are not only resulting in fast depletion of trees but also are greatly affecting humans and wildlife. The authorities and local people have been facing a tough time containing fires that are spreading through the jungles across the country, thanks to prolonged dry spell and windy weather condition. A fresh forest fire in the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, the only hunting reserve in the country, in Myagdi district has put wildlife in Gurja area at risk. “Dry trees catch fire easily and the blaze just spreads through the jungle in no time,” said Jhak Bahadur Chhantyal, a local of Gurja. A team of security personnel was struggling to contain the fire till Thursday evening.


In order to invest in the hotel business has increased in eastern Nepal. Including the construction of five-star hotel has received great speed. Hile, Dhankuta, Jhapa birtamodadekhi biratanagaradekhi particular corridor and the construction of pipelines Intensity Taplejung karidorasamma hotel has received. An example of this can be detained.

Introduction to the east as a tourism destination has made the most of the hotels Bhedetar construction stage investment increased detained Hotel Association Secretary Dhirendra says rumdali.

Sunsari and Dhankuta caravan Bhedetar purvaancalakai are all over the hotel. Maiasama frequent changes of the unique feature Bhedetar five major Seminar held in Hull, including 35 hotels have been opened. Similarly, preparing to come into operation in the near future the condition of 10-star hotel under construction.

According to rumdalika purvaancalamai languishing in tourist arrivals in the region detained at least 2 million investment by more than 35 and at least 5 million investment in 10 star hotels are under construction stage.

Bhedetaradekhi namjesammako area hotel one night while 1 thousand visitors have the ability to put the room. One to four taresammaka hotel construction by diverting the majority of investors are involved in non. They Dharan, Biratnagar, Itahari, including industrialists and entrepreneurs of the region informed the Secretary rumdalile.

Bhedetar daily two thousand to 25 squares, the number of tourist visitors have come. The total number of tourists visiting the Indian would have been 40 percent. Most visitors prefer detained as a tourism destination eastern Ltd has been started.

Reminder Bhedetar travel promotion shake the drum
Gopala Dahal, Dharan

The country is about to drought. Arid heat is increased. A year ago it got rid of the heat and cold food Bhedetar are invited to remember the West Duli very rapidly.

BS 072 on March 5 East beautiful coastal destination in western Nepal Bhedetar team detained the locals to promote walking and Sarai was fun.

"No place heat badhisakecha, our cold place to turn, let Lambert mortality invited to." Detained hotelier Jitendra rumdali Rai, the invitation when we welcome Hetauda hotel operator bhagendra Sharma said, "The sheer good proposals brought, comrades in our place by visiting the Go , we must turn comrade sit there. "


Agression againts facebook commenter by Priyanka Karki

Priyanka Karki was on media due to her status which expressed her pain and feelings about viewers commenting and using vulgar words in her Facebook comments. She speaks about the status with Canada Nepal where she shares that she wrote the status against Cyber Crime as it is a cyber crime. Audience has rights to say they don’t like my eyes or any other things but they don’t have rights to use vulgar words and attack anyone in social media. Priyanka shares that she hasn’t wrote the status just for her but for everyone who are being in problem due to such vulgar comments. She shares that this is an initiation on Cyber Crime and hope other will support her in this initiation. Priyanka Karki also shares that writing such comments are a cyber crime and if our laws are strong than those people should have been gone into jail.

What room does fear have? WATCH VIDEO

You may have seen lots of group dance performance but this group dance performance, which have just been uploaded in the YouTube site have become viral.
MAHOMET.SEYMOUR.DANCE TEAM performed this dance performance is an emotional performance with incredible and shocking elements in it. The team is performing their dance with the spoken word track “What Are You Afraid Of?” by Jon Jorgenson. The dance video have been viral not just of their emotional performance but the wardrobe in a blink of an eye in the middle of dance in front of all audiences. Girls dressed up in basic black leotards transform into light white dresses in such a quick time that it amazes all of us.

The dance video was uploaded on YouTube Feb. 1,but have been already viewed over 7 million times. This dance video deserves to watch out at least once.

China supporting reconstruction of Nepal one year after earthquake WATCH VIDEO NEWS

China supporting reconstruction of Nepal one year after earthquake Posted by Anup Baral May 1st, 2016 : April 25th is the first anniversary of the worst earthquake in Nepal’s history. Led by the prime minister, the nation is remembering the nearly 9,000 victims of the 7.8 magnitude quake. A ceremony was held at the ruins of the historic Dharahara Tower in Kathmandu. For many, it’s been a lost year without much to see for the $4 billion in aid pledged by foreign donors. Tourism, which previously accounted for nine percent of the national economy, has not recovered. China promised to give its full support to the reconstruction of Nepal after last year’s earthquakes. CCTV’s Hou Yun looks at what progress has been made.


How Funny – Disco Dance – Keki Adhikari, Priyanka Karki

Priyanka Karki is a Nepalese actress, former Miss Teen Nepal, VJ, singer, choreographer, a model, and a dancer. Before starting her acting career, she worked as a VJ for Kantipur Television hosting the shows ‘Celluloid’ and ‘The Glam Factor’.ourism, which accounted for 3.8% of Nepal’s GDP in 1995/96. Tourism in Kathmandu declined thereafter during a period of political unrest, but since then has improved.

She is often referred to by the nickname “Prinku”, which was given to her by her close friends. After making a name for her in the Nepali industry, Karki left for her higher education to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Filmmaking to the United States. She finished her degree in 2011 and flew back to Nepal to debut as an actress with Prasanna Poudel’s Mero Best Friend where she plays the female lead. Right after ‘Mero Best Friend’, she started filming for Suresh Darpan Pokhrel’s 3 lovers . which went on to be her first release as Mero Best Friend got postponed. Her first success at the box office came with the critical and commercial success of the comedy movie Jholay.


Our trip coordinator, Introduction secha Traveling BASUDEB Baral. Bhedetaravasiko the same way as domestic tourists travel information call the program after the hotel and restaurant business and hotel Federation of Senior Officials of the Union Rupandehi Union President Madhav Nepal had been sitting for welcome.

Svagatapachi senior vice sea GC 'This is another tourism with a start if we are to turn himself is internal tourism development soon.'

All covers for our team there paryatanakarmika exemplary behavior. They not only tourism development, hotel business or paryatanakarmi saying the same way, the need for cooperation in all areas ears. They have given us the local tourism information. First of Palpa and the surrounding salt carry fall bataulipachi had visited Butwal. Ramapithekasako early tooth remains found near the location where. Siddhababa accompanying famous temple, manimukunda Sen Park and their fathers took the victories won angrejasamga gadhi besides the tower and the researcher had the perfect place for tourists.

Butwal, Pokhara difficult road ahead to travel through bhirako. Palpa streets and fountains of fun scene, watching the mountains, we arrived at the Kali Gandaki. No one ate fish Gandaki, no butter, rice. The place, the market and the way he found the local increase of bhedetaravasiharu Bhedetar diihalthe invited. Handing Bhedetar pokharatira saleFlag brochures.

The Hotel Association detained the chairman of the Lilaraj Lawati, Vice President Radhika ivahana, secretary Jitendra rumdali, treasurer gajendramani Rai, mother, president Saraswati Rai, Pathibhara Temple Management Committee gorasamana But, drinking water committee co-secretary rib Thapa DCnepal rife with mystery new things Bhedetar also enforce the Gough did.
For tourism to collaborate in teaching and learning chords that was the purpose of the journey. In the evening when the Court of Pokhara, the earth met the functioning of the Earth Hotel Professional Committee.

The next morning, they were invited to a reception organized by acquaintances and maintaining a work environment. First Pokhara Hotel vyavasayipani detained were visiting the same way, saying that what is happening to Pokhara and Bhedetar crouching. Having said Thursday at the invitation of the Committee Chairman bhedetaravasiko region "as Pokhara, Dharan, like Sarangkot detained. Good service both tourists could not develop the same area. "

Mandanah's drum solo Belly Dance WATCH VIDEO

he benchmarks of magnificence on the planet today are not generally exceptionally reasonable. We’ve seen stunning demonstrations of wellness such as an undergarments model who keeps about lean abs while pregnant and a lady who has made it her life reason to resemble a genuine Barbie doll.But on the other range, we have seen leaps forward. Individuals are beginning to acknowledge that typical bodies are wonderful as well and notwithstanding inviting larger size models into the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.In this video cut, you’ll see one full-bodied lady rethinking hot in her hip twirl routine.When Mandanah makes that big appearance, don’t think little of her. Despite the fact that she doesn’t have the photo flawless model body, she’s not reluctant to flaunt her stuff for a worldwide audience.Because of her hip twirling ability, she is perceived as one of the best on the planet. When you squeeze play, you’ll see with your own eyes why the world can’t quit discussing her

Wonder Woman: Body Artist Brings Comic Book Characters To Life WATCH VIDEO


Barcroft TV is with the video about the wonderful women who is the great artist. Makeup itself is an art and only few people can be artistic, here in this video you can see a women named Kay Pike who is making characters of cartoon just using make up and body paint. This is such a wonderful creation. Kay Pike is a women from Calgary, Canada. She creates the wonderful and stunning artwork on her body and she transform herself in the various characters of superhero and villains from comic and
various movies and cartoons.



The programme sees contestants complete individual challenges such as trying to dress while bouncing a football or cycling while trying to inflate hot water bottles.

Those who complete their challenge go to the "Epic Centre" and have the opportunity to win between and , depending on what the celebrity panelists think this is worth. Those who fail a challenge have to exit through the "fail door."After graduation, Brand did not work as a performer, gaining employment in television production instead, but her social encounters with university contemporaries ultimately convinced her to try working as a comedian Brand was born in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.[3] She is an alumna of St. Clement Danes School, where she was in the house of Clement. Following a summer holiday in Cornwall at 13 with friends who were evangelical Christians she embraced their faith and attended church five times a week.Motivated to read theology at Keble College, Oxford, she then lost her religious beliefs while a student.interviewed for the Evening Standard in 2007, she commented: "After about a year, I realised it was mostly rubbish and that things are never as simple as they seem when you are 13".

Chinese man who looked heavily pregnant for more than a DECADE finally has huge 15kg tumour removed WATCH VIDEO

This week the price of gold has increased by Rs 17 hundred. At first, the price of gold last week, Common sittings had seen a significant increase dogmatic said.

The price of gold has increased by 12 hundred rupee on Friday single day. The first day of the week, gold traded at Rs 54 thousand 8 hundred and 56 thousand 5 hundred rupees on Friday, the last day of trade reached.

The lowest unemployment rate for 42-year US gaihrakrsi are modest GDP growth in the first quarter of this year the situation may persist for two years, the highest rate was reached in bad state after the dollar devaluation secure investment for the general increase in the price of gold demand culimda.

On the other hand, after the US Federal Bank to maintain interest and defending the interest rate it currently impose at least 3 months Analysts have estimated. Improvement has been seen that the gold demand.

Gold generally expect the central bank monetary policy in Japan in contrast to a negative rate of change continues to be compelled to remain to continue the improvement in demand for gold reached a secure investment dealers Federation of Nepal believes that the price has been gained.

The international market price of silver, the local market is following the upward trend. The first day of the week on Sunday 7 hundred 75 tola silver at Rs kinebaca last day is Friday 8 hundred rupee traded.

This is in order to continue to have the US dollar fluctuations will continue, and it is also due to price fluctuations of gold next week to continue to be estimated.

Om Jai Jagdish Hare - Aarti with Lyrics - Sanjeevani Bhelande - Bhajan Devotional Songs WATCH VIDEO

April 05, 2016 :
"Om Jai Jagdish Hare" is an aarti (devotional song) sung by Hindus all over the world irrespective of the several languages they speak. It is sung at congregations during aarti (prayer time) in the glory of Lord Jagdish - the Lord of the universe. Aarti is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a part of puja, in which light from wicks soaked in ghee (purified butter) or camphor is offered to one or more deities. Aartis also refer to the songs sung in praise of the deity, when lamps are being offered.

SSP Sarbendra Khanal Encourage Youths To Support Him To Fight Against Corruption WATCH VIDEO NEWS

April 30, 2016 :
SSP Sarbendra Khanal is hot cake in media and among Nepali due to his encounter to end the violence in Kathmandu by finishing Don of Nepal. He has also attempt various challenging task to make Kathmandu peace and maintain harmony. Sarbendra Khanal was present in an event held in Kathmandu about corruption where he shared his views regarding corruption and its state in Nepal and how it is affecting various section of Nepal. He shared that every people and youths should be alert to eliminate corruption and must help each other to fight against it. Not only he can fight against corruption if youths and people won’t support him and go hand on hand. He encouraged youths to not face corruption at his work rather help him to fight against it and make Nepal free from corruption. Watch an exclusive video coverage of the event where SSP Sarbendra Khanal shares his views regarding corruption in Nepal :



The programme sees contestants complete individual challenges such as trying to dress while bouncing a football or cycling while trying to inflate hot water bottles.

Those who complete their challenge go to the "Epic Centre" and have the opportunity to win between and , depending on what the celebrity panelists think this is worth. Those who fail a challenge have to exit through the "fail door."After graduation, Brand did not work as a performer, gaining employment in television production instead, but her social encounters with university contemporaries ultimately convinced her to try working as a comedian Brand was born in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.[3] She is an alumna of St. Clement Danes School, where she was in the house of Clement. Following a summer holiday in Cornwall at 13 with friends who were evangelical Christians she embraced their faith and attended church five times a week.Motivated to read theology at Keble College, Oxford, she then lost her religious beliefs while a student.interviewed for the Evening Standard in 2007, she commented: "After about a year, I realised it was mostly rubbish and that things are never as simple as they seem when you are 13".

Top 15 Biggest Body Builders In The World WATCH VIDEO

TOP 15 BIGGEST BODY BUILDERS IN THE WORLDEvery day people around the world decide to take up a sport, hit the gym or work to improve their health and body. For most people, getting in shape and pushing their bodies mean adding a few more minutes on the treadmill, staying out on the field just a bit longer or lengthening that jog by an extra kilometer or two. For most of us, getting in shape and improving our health and bodies is a hobby. For others, in conjunction with something like a major change in diet, it’s a complete lifestyle change. Then, at the extreme end of the spectrum, there are those who get so into their sport or exercise that it can consume them, change who they are and even lead down a dark road.
The world of bodybuilding is one such sport which can be so rewarding to some and so damaging to others. Even those people who aren’t overly familiar with the sport know some of its greatest ever competitors. Ask anyone on the street who a famous bodybuilder is and you’ll likely get the response of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yes, Arnold is one of the best known thanks to his movie and political career. Yet another is Lou Ferrigno, TV’s Incredible Hulk and another iconic bodybuilder of the 1970s and 1980s. Beyond these, most people wouldn’t know any others but there is a whole culture of bodybuilding and competition which sees men and women from around the world compete for various titles and accolades.
To an outsider, the muscle-covered bodybuilder is a perfect specimen of what heights humans can get to physically. Bulging and rippled, professional bodybuilders can be an impressive sight to behold during competitions. Yet, in this sense, the sport can sometimes be a complete façade. First, muscles and healthy looking exterior doesn’t necessarily mean a healthy interior and more than one bodybuilder has been known to die from poor health. Second, and linked with poor health, is the almost taboo topic of steroid use. Many bodybuilders use them and defend their decision by often stating that proper use is safe. Medical experts have continuously outlined the dangers of steroid use and linked chemical use with everything from heart and kidney failure to cancer and emotional instability.
All of this means that in the world of bodybuilding, competition can often push many individuals to extremes. Sometimes their bodies just can’t handle it. Other times, using steroids makes the situation worse, amplifying conditions which already existed. Finally, there are those whose competitive nature gets the best of them, making them do foolish or dangerous things they otherwise wouldn’t attempt. All of these are covered to varying degrees in the following video. Ahead lie 10 bodybuilders who went too far and suffered the consequences of their trade.

traffic police at ktm READ MORE NEWS

Traffic Police Traffic Act to amend 204 9 Article 164 states have increased the penalties for not just
the transport entrepreneurs have expressed objections. The government road traffic law-abiding drivers who violate traffic rules and driving to recover the fine amount has increased 20 times, the word 'traffic traffic management should be emphasized, not the tax collectors' voice that has started to rise. Fines for driving while under the rules against accidents and traffic fines in the increasing amount of chaos on the streets has increased. But this move traffic transport workers and professional organizations are non-legal words.

'Vehicle Act 204 9 amendment has been called, but an amendment if the Gazette is not published.' Nepal Transport Workers Bhimjwala Rai said, 'charged by itself and apply the right traffic is not traffic, work with the law implementation is, Axed amount raised accident reduction is not, consciousness level growth and development of physical infrastructure should be taken. 'fines fund money amongst the traffic received 15 percent peanuts traffic transport workers and entrepreneurs cows considers flames, said.' 'ride Act 204 9 has been amended concerning anavijna saying All Nepal transport workers Union Vice President Ram Chandra Karki traffic have condemned the move. "-there Way up traffic it sends workers to try to get rid of."

Karki said, "This move is not valid any means, management of road traffic work." He went to all traffic between entrepreneurs and workers to discuss the matter said. He said that traffic fines are not justified the rule. Traffic fines on traffic management not only the transport business of the National Federation secretary Saroj Sitaula said steps toward this for a traffic popularity. "We believe that life is not action, but the decision is not valid traffic prior approval. Nayabaneshwor, 'stakeholders to avoid the debate to discuss the monopoly right to set the fee is not traffic."

20 million vehicles in case of the country sought to enforce this rule is practical and unnecessary, he said. Traffic Police 'Traffic Violence' Stop, tayaksa are not the 'Transport Workers Association President Ajay Kumar Rai, said, "Our today's meeting of the Central Committee meeting that this matter has been raised to a powerful movement, now on farmers to mark the time when we are preparing for. After that we are focused on this subject. "The president strongly against acts of Rai further said that this traffic

smily populer facebook photo Real man found WATCH VIDEO NEWS

smily populer facebook photo Real man found

The Origin of the popular reaction face meme: “Yao Ming Face / Bitch Please” NOTE: the original meme was created from a photo taken during this interview, so, although the face being made when the video is paused is the same as the one in the meme (It is the exact same moment, you can even see the camera flash go off when the video pauses), it doesn’t quite line up because the video was filmed from a slightly different angle to the photographer


Indian constructs dam in no man’s land in Nepal

A dam like construction is being built in the no man’s land along the Nepal-India border.Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere,Our team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the exclusive news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner.


person died and two others were injured in a fire at Doholi VDC in Gulmi district on Friday. The deceased has been identified as Tulsi Bahadur Lama (55) of Doholi VDC-1, according to local Toplal Aryal. Lama died while trying to douse the fire that had engulfed his dry crop field at Doholi-5. Similarly, two locals namely Lok Bahadur Gurung and Min Bahadur Lama were injured in the incident. They have been brought to the district headquarters, Tamghas, for treatment. Police informed that the health condition of Gurung is serious.



The official trailer of Ex Miss Nepal Malvika Subba’s Nepali movie ‘How Funny‘ has recently released. The movie stars Dayahang Rai, Anupbikram Shahi, Keki Adhikari, Priyanka Karki, Nisha Adhikari etc. Directed by Nilu Dolma Sharma the movie is released under the banner of Tiny But Big Pictures. With the story by Nilu Dolma Sherpa the movie contains the music by Shailendra Shrestha and cinematography by Hari Humagain. Nepali movie How Funny is produced by Aang Naru Sherpa, Lamu Sherpa and Nima Tasi Sherpa.

The movie begins with the slow motion DSP Tejbahadur who is going to present a speech but lacks the quality due to his slow motion on giving speech. Then comes Heera Samraagi who is missing from some days as she is the daughter of a rich man, her father threatens DSP Tejbahadur to find his daughter on any cost. DSP Tejbahadur then finds two girls Ramita and Pushpa to spy on the gang who kidnapped Heera. The trailer makes us feel How Funny is a complete comedy movie as we got to see the comedian Sandeep Chhetri too at the end of the trailer. To know if DSP Tejbahadur along with his two spy girls succeed to find out Heera or not you have to wait till the release date of the movie.

The official trailer of How Funny is released by OSR Digital as the movie is scheduled to release on 10th Baisakh 2073 (22 April).

India's invitation to obey all of a sudden went to New Delhi on Friday night, Nepal King Gyanendra Shah has returned. READ MORE NEWS

India's invitation to obey all of a sudden went to New Delhi on Friday night, Nepal King Gyanendra Shah has returned.

Thursday cadhe King Gyanendra of Nepal went to India four o'clock phakieka are quick. Sea TIMALSINA private secretary, private part of the royal guard and orderly Hasta Bahadur Thapa Shrestha, DSP Cameron also met with India have gone to the ex-Shah secret.

Treatment wife went to India, former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress President Deuba returned to Nepal after King Gyanendra Shah, who had gone to India.

Madhesabadi party movement and warned again after 26-point demand to discuss the issues, including the ex-India has been assessed to be.

India fully supports the constitution did not pass state visit to India, the most important of the ex suddenly is rajabadiko analysis.

12-year-old grandson of the monarchy, but the king can also be returned to the King to make a ceremonial hdayendralai who take this issue during his visit to India by the former King high source said.

Kept very secret visit to the Hindu Nation has learned were also discussed. newsletters

Cleaning Up: Napkin Collector Keeps Breaking Own World Record WATCH VIDEO

Napkin collector who breaks her own record

42 year old Slovakian Antonia Kozakova has broken her own record. And now she owns a shocking 80,000 napkins. They have been reported to be worth £300,000. Antonia lives in Eastern Slovakia and in 2007 she made her first global headline. Then it was revealed that she had a then unprecedented 21,000 serviettes.

In 2013 she broke her own record for the first time by collecting 62,500 different napkins. She has again crushed the figure with her latest achievement. Some of the things that are included in the collection are conventional flower patterns to a replica of a £50 note. Some of the napkins even date back to 1940. The 42 year old even spoke about how she organizes her massive collection. it is sh)cking to share that her collection contain no duplicates.

She said, ‘They are sorted in the boxes by categories. Every box is covered in nice wrapping paper. They are all categorized. Honestly, I find lots of happiness in the napkin collection. I love doing it and I am very proud of what I have achieved so far.

Antonia Kozakova started to collect 19 years ago after she had a chronic health issue which affected her mobility. Antonia discovered a thriving community of napkin traders after the initial press coverage. The traders were very delighted to help grow her collection.



Here we cover 10 most shocking real mutations in animals!

Subscribe to Spacebound for more videos daily:Fun Fact: A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it is born.

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10 Most Shocking Real Mutations In Animals

the lack of treatment Unlabelled READ MORE NEWS

Birtamode. 3, the lack of treatment Shantinagar Suraj Pariyar 7 years in bed are in bed. Pariar wages to truck accidents were 65 years old on January 2 in Damak. When hit by a truck and bus collided injured her health improved so far has not. BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in Dharan immediate treatment was carried back to. He returned home 28 days after hospital treatment was not possible. His body has not yet raised the spine bhamciekale. Part of the body above the waist to the feet of them that even under the best though, as has been the waist 7 years in bed unable to move in bed by 28-year-old Suraj treatment could have dreamed of. The economic situation in bed, unable to treat low as Pariar years have passed since his brother Mohan says. According to Mohan Saha budhabaresthita truck wins lack of adequate treatment to help her life has been limited to a family room at home bamsaka bhamtale Barrie. Returned to the verandah of his house, shivering in the west is routine. East-west pieces are placed on the bed 7 years, he was sleeping. He does not even defecate, with the body. Mohan Lal says his brother's excrement undergoing anapadha mother took the paper fingerprint haste, put your brother's body says have risen revival-auntha mother was known to one and a half million mark only after firing to realize condition. "Steve walked a half million treatment can not make. He took the money and went to the hospital for treatment of India's mother, brother and said that not enough money was powerless to-upacara. Mechi Zonal Hospital for treatment of losing his week, more than women. His treatment is not possible to insist that their living family wage dainika farms now than it is to treat the problem. 5 9-year-old mother and brothers Mohan hire housemaids working in both treatment I've been doing - Suraj says. "We have to breathe around the sun" - says brother Mohan. Monthly 5 thousand drug's pretty family said. The incident occurred a few months after his wife also stopped. Surajasamga 7-year-old daughter, who has also been living. He urged all bring medical assistance. It seems strange to her feet to swell. Part of the waist after he was paralyzed in bed, except from the chamber can not do anything.
1 certificates as land and property in the name of the general house. Rs 1 lakh land as collateral is undergoing treatment at the family said. Now unable to pay 1 million auction of land to the family of fear.


To remain healthy you need the healthy foods as well as healthy lifestyles. We need to separate time for daily works, rest and entertainment.
This will makes us healthy socially, psychologically and physically.
But nowadays due to busy schedule people are breaking their routines. Due to this people are getting diseased. Here are the seven faults we do that affect us mentally.
1. No proper sleep
If we don’t sleep properly our brain too doesn’t get proper rest. The power of the brain too decreases and many problems arises that is related to brain.
2. Not eating breakfast
Breakfast is very important for the healthy brain. Our brain won’t get sufficient glucose if we don’t eat breakfast due to which we feel lazy whole day.
3. Handing many works
One of the researches done by American Stanford University told that the people who hand over many works which is also said to be multitask their brain starts working less.
4. Drinking less water
If you drink less than 8 glass of water in a day then the water level in brains too decreases due to which the cells of the brains gets narrowed and brain disease may occur.
5. Smoking
Smoking encounters various problems in our body. This makes the blood dark due to which brain absorbs less blood and various mental problems may arise.
6. Taking pressure
Pressure is very harmful for brain. When you get in pressure the hormone named cortisol releases that affects the brain.
7. Over eating
Whenever we eat more especially if we eat more our brains says that stomach is filled and for a long time brain doesn’t response hunger. This affects the power of the brain.

corruption Unlabelled READ MORE NEWS

Young jagaum, corrupt the program in the capital Saturday with the slogan bhagaaum was a speaker Shanta Chaudhary.

He lived nearly 10 years before she became the first constituent member. Samnsadiya used the chairman of the committee very well. He now undergoes secondary school education for her cancer. Only recently have her class of eight, he told him of his program had some interesting experiences.

Shanta Chaudhary experience from her sabdamah

I am 8 years old to 18 years, people sitting Kamalari. I thought that corruption is and how it did not know that.
If the run inwardly still do not understand that there is corruption. When I first constituent member or chairman of the committee when the Legislature Natural Resources would I know it would be corruption. At that time, that is how I knew him jandimnathem corruption.

When I was a member of the Constituent Assembly 'Shanta' write 5 minutes' journey. Such a while I did not have the ability to corruption. It is important to understand about the real as political leaders, citizens need to understand.

Today, the land in this country look, that night sweat cover his goose, who also work at night, and whose work and the hand-barrow arises because of the work, the same people are seeing a patch of rice to eat food that bind, which today is poor people the most. The problem is very cruel.

I see from village to village, bridge laying our leader go araniya, near the house foundation. And when they see the hand wearing a glove. Wear gloves to touch them is that when the foundation soil. Indeed, for them, this country is the richest. He hated himself to touch the soil, great home for them, the live, expensive car that crosses the riding.


Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening. Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage.

People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens

Latest interview with Jyoti Magar WATCH VIDEO

Jyoti Magar is one of the top highlight of year 2072. Her songs and music videos with glamorous avatar has won the heart of audience and grabbed the attention of audience. Many online portals have also noted that Jyoti Magar got clicked this year due to her hot and glamorous avatar and they also categorized her with Archana Paneru. Jyoti shares that she didn’t liked that way media categorized herself because she has been a singer and performer and her glamorous avatar has not been key role as she is a good singer and she is a performer. Jyoti Magar also shared about her this year’s achievement. Jyoti also plans to release her solo album this year if everything goes well. Jyoti Magar shares that she has been affected by earthquake for few months but she worked hard to recover those months. She wishes all her fan and supporters for supporting her and is expecting same next year too. -

9.2 + Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest WATCH VIDEO NEWS

Report: Mega-Quake Would Destroy Big Portion Of Pacific Northwest - First Warning - Shepard Smith ReportingThe New York Quotes A FEMA Official: Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Toast!, Everything West Of Interstate 5 Is Gone! Seattle, Tacoma Olympia, Portland, Salem Eugene, Ect Wipe out All Together About 7 Million People That's Does Not Including Tourist! Seismologists: Earthquake Unleash Colossal Tsunami Report: First Sign Of Mega-Quake Will Be "Cacophony Of Barking Dogs" Thousands Of Dogs Will Bark At Alert, Before The Ground liquefy In One Area & A wall Of Water Up To 100 feet High - Its Coming It is A It Is A Certainty!, The Question Is When? Is West Coast ready for next big quake? Shepard Smith: "Frankly, If I Live Right Now In The Pacific Northwest I Would Consider Moving"


Parbati Rai Dance

Parbati Rai is popular Nepali dancer / actress who has played in numerous Nepali music videos.She came into glamour stage from dance competition showknown as “pratibhako Agan”. we can see Parbati mostly on Nepali lok dohori songsand also on music videos.Dohori music is Nepali folk songs. It is a unique style of music. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm, and involves quick and witty poetry.The two teams in Dohori usually involves boys in one group girls in the other.The song is started with a question usually from the boys side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation. Dohori songs can last for a long periods of time, even up to a week long. The length of the Dohori depends on the quick thinking ability of the players. Parbati Rai is popular Nepali dancer / actress who has played in numerous Nepali music videos.She came into glamour stage from dance competition showknown as “pratibhako Agan”. we can see Parbati mostly on Nepali lok dohori songsand also on music videos. She is one of the talent dancer whohas done more then 100’s music videos including teejsongs, Lok dohori songs etc.

Nepali Girl F!ghting WATCH VIDEO

Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening. Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage. People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens.


Muskan Pasa dance moves in Salman Khan Movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan

Comedian artists Sitaram Kattel ‘Dhurmus’ and Kunjana Ghimire ‘Suntali’ are very busy these days as they are into relief works after the massive earthquake. So now, they can be seen busy building temporary school in one of the devastated place, Nuwakot. The couple had reached Nuwakot after building toilets at Sindupalchowk.



Agency. Recently, a tragic love story has ended. Context is India. That's murder, police say a double suicide, which is still not concluded pugisakeko.
The event is in Hisar adampur market. Where a young Fazilka revandi train station near the gudiraheko phadalera suicide came forward. The girl's body was found at the same place after the events mentioned in Indian media has taken advanced image .- where the deceased 23-year-old man and 17-year-old girl 11 jasavindra grade of every student is told. Young music student. The young man committed suicide near the place where the bodies were found in the car, police said that the incident had taken more mysterious mode.

Mother Elephant Tries To Rouse Her Unco*nsc!ous Calf WATCH VIDEO

Passing your driving test is a rite of passage, and for many young people it’s a hard-won achievement. Saying goodbye to your L-plates is always cause for celebration - but sadly the cost of car insurance for under-21s can quickly crush any new driver’s party spirit.

However, there are things you can do to push the cost of a young person’s insurance policy down. Here are our top tips for finding cheaper car cover for under-21s.

Choose your car carefully

If you’re about to buy your first car, or if you’re a parent looking to help your son or daughter purchase a vehicle for the first time, it’s important to research your insurance options before checking out makes and models or organising test drives.

Not only will insurance be more expensive for some cars than for others; you may find that insurance companies refuse altogether to cover young drivers when their vehicle of choice is too costly, has too high a specification, has too many modifications or has too powerful an engine.


We all know that the vehicle can be ride only on the good roads. If there is problem on the road automatically the problem will be occurred to the vehicles. In this video you can see a running car on the road where the road has a sink hole. Firstly the sink hole is seen like a trap but later it became the huge one. It seems like the landslide on the road. People could have d!ed there but fortunately they all were saved.

Top 10 Fastest Shots Ever WATCH VIDEO

Top 10 Fastest Shots Ever

Cristiano Ronaldo, in full Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro (born February 5, 1985, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal) Portuguese football (soccer) forward who was one of the greatest players of his generation.

Ronaldo’s father, José Dinis Aveiro, was the equipment manager for the local club Andorinha. (The name Ronaldo was added to Cristiano’s name in honour of his father’s favourite movie actor, Ronald Reagan, who was U.S. president at the time of Cristiano’s birth.) At age 15 Ronaldo was diagnosed with a heart condition that necessitated surgery, but he was sidelined only briefly and made a full recovery. He first played for Clube Desportivo Nacional of Madeira and then transferred to Sporting Clube de Portugal (known as Sporting Lisbon), where he played for that club’s various youth teams before making his debut on Sporting’s first team in 2002.

A tall player at 6 feet 1 inch (1.85 metres), Ronaldo was a formidable athlete on the pitch. Originally a right-winger, he developed into a forward with a free-reined attacking style. He was able to mesmerize opponents with a sleight of foot that made sufficient space for openings in opposing defenses.


Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies
Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s. Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies.

Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies
Today, companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.
Term Policies
Term life insurance is guaranteed. The premium is set at issue and clearly stated right in the policy. An annual renewable term policy has a premium that goes up every year. A level term policy has an initially higher premium that does not change for a set period, usually 10, 20 or 30 years, and then becomes annual renewable term with a premium based on your attained age.

Bike acc!dent on the way to kakani Nepal WATCH VIDEO NEWS

Everything around is uncertain that people should prepare for any scenario. Really, really the only things certain around are taxes and dying. Either of individual’s situations will definitely happen in the course of a person's existence. While taxes is going to be found in each population, coloring will come as a robber indoors the evening. Sickness and dying are frightening since it is. They become much more frightening when one has not prepared for this type of scenario. Due to this, why everybody is worthy of a life insurance coverage. People should always plan their finances and achieving a life insurance coverage is a sure way of planning their finances. Acquiring a life insurance coverage is much like saving money for hard times since you will find life insurance coverage recommendations that provide for just about any cash value when the insurance policy just sits there up by the owner insured. Under this provision, the insured can withdraw or borrow from his insurance policy. Furthermore, this means planning money for hard times of individuals you want just in case something happens.